Summerville First
United Methodist Church
Radical Hospitality, Christian Community, Extravagant Generosity
220 West Washington St
Summerville, Ga. 30747
(706) 857-2057
Email - pastorsfumc1906@gmail.com
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 187
Summerville, Ga. 30747

Sunday School 10:00 am
Worship Service 11:00am
Wednesday Night Supper
& Fellowship 6:00pm
Community Services
Supports the local DFCS office with non-perishable food items for their emergency food supply as well as diapers and formula for parents in need
Backpack Ministry: non-perishable food/snacks are provided to local Chattooga County schools for children with food insecurity to take home on Fridays
Volunteers at the Rome-Floyd Community Kitchen monthly
Volunteers at Esther Manor weekly/as needed in both the Flourish Foster Care Closet and the Community Resource Center
Volunteers and supports the LMES Clothes Closet for families and children in need at the local elementary school
Donates and purchases shoes for a ministry for children in need at LMES
Sponsors the local Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops which meet weekly at SFUMC on Monday nights
Participates in Samaritan's Purse "Operation Christmas Child" shoebox ministry yearly
Women's Ministry "Friendship Circle" crafts and gives prayer shawls, quilts and quilt squares to those in need as a reminder of the prayers of the Church and its members
Christian Education
Bible Study on Sundays 10 am (all ages)
Short term Bible Studies (meets weekly) throughout the year
A sponsor of Camp Hamby, a local UMC children's summer camp, through food donations, scholarships and support of other activities and upkeep